Get to know our new Odoo module for Mailspring

Mailspring Odoo Connector

What is the Mailspring Odoo connector?

OdooGap developed a new module for Mailspring. At OdooGap we go beyond helping you with managing Odoo and how to work with all of its applications. We encountered a problem and devised a solution that is helpful for Mailspring users that also have Odoo.

Mailspring is an open-source and free email app for Windows, Mac and Linux OS that adds new features to the regular email inbox. With Mailspring, you can manage multiple accounts, have a unified inbox and provides activity and link tracking. Go here for more information about Mailspring.

For all the benefits of Odoo and Mailspring, they’re still on separate systems and working with multiple systems has disadvantages when it comes to important information - having to switch between different programs to search for information can be a tiresome task. And there’s the risk of being inaccurate or part of it being lost in the process. Which, in turn, always means starting over.

Mailspring Odoo Connector is a plug-in that will help you save time and quickly access information about your customers. With this feature you don’t need to open Odoo to look for information about who you’re exchanging emails with: on Mailspring, just click on the email and on the top you can see the client’s total sales and the number of new leads.

The Mailspring Odoo Connector will increase productivity by simplifying processes and enables fast decision making.

Watch the video and see how easy it is to work with the Mailspring Odoo Connector:


Odoo image and text block

This plug-in is simple to configure. After installation, open Mailspring and in Preferences from the Edit menu, there will be an Odoo tab. Select it and enter the Odoo details.

The connection settings in this image are for a local instance, but you can use it with a self-hosted server, Odoo online or even Odoo.

Now, every time you receive an email you'll have information about the sender.

If the email is on your Odoo contacts database, on top of the message you’ll see information such as the number of leads and the quantity invoiced so far.

This information adds a link to the URL of your system where you will find the detailed information about your contact and respective leads/ opportunities/appointments and related contacts.

Odoo text and image block
Odoo image and text block

In Odoo, when you create a new Opportunity this information is automatically available in Mailspring.

The Mailspring Odoo Connector is ready and available on our GitHub page.

To know more about it contact us